What is this all about?

In 2010, Seven Auckland Jewellery Geeks embarked on a mission to get their work out there and seen by Subliminally Infiltrating other people's openings with the work of that evening's Feature Geek.
In 2011, a few more geeks join in the fun and break a few of the original Subliminal Infiltration rules...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Lynsay Raine Subliminally Infiltrates the Manon van Kouswijk, Fabrizio Tridenti and Ted Noten opening at Objectspace - 08FEB12

This will be the last Subliminal Infiltration by Auckland Jewellery Geek Lynsay Raine as she is about to fly one way to Europe via Talente. We will miss her dearly and hope that she returns to her Geek family one day. 

We found 3 lovely jewellers at the bar next door on our way to Objectspace. Renee was wearing her new Manon van Kouswijk flouro sticker necklace.

Cath fell in love with quite a few of Manon's necklaces.

Lynsay's ring in conversation with Fabrizio's ring.

The cutest little pendant on wheels ever.

 Perhaps by chance, a very awesome bike was parked outside that was quite similar aesthetically to Fabrizio's pieces.

 Raewyn and Cath both sporting Yellow Lynsays.

Sharon and Christine both sporting grey Lynsays.

 Eloise running out of frame with her pinkish Lynsay.

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