What is this all about?

In 2010, Seven Auckland Jewellery Geeks embarked on a mission to get their work out there and seen by Subliminally Infiltrating other people's openings with the work of that evening's Feature Geek.
In 2011, a few more geeks join in the fun and break a few of the original Subliminal Infiltration rules...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sharon Subliminally Infiltrates the 20th Annual Wallace Art Awards 05 September 2011

Sharon and Joey were heading off to the 20th Annual Wallace Art Awards at the Pah Homestead, so decided to wear their Floppy Poppy and John brooches to this very fine art VIP event. On the whole, not many jewelleries being worn by anyone - contemporary or ordinary. Luckily there were a few past and present Broach of the Month Club wearers to brighten things up. 

On the way down Patiki Road, we were horrified to hear Chris de Burg's "Lady in Red" on 95bfm (a first for them we believe).  Little did we know then that we would find Bronwynne doing a Lady in Red impersonation above an air vent during the speeches.

Joey and John went over to have a go too.
Such a lovely venue, but not purpose built for listening to endless speeches.  Ex Mayor John Banks and his wife escaped the room early - must have got too hot in there for him. 
Shortly after the air vent jollities, we were delighted to hear Bronwynne Cornish's name called out! She won the developement award and a 2 month residency in Vermont, which by chance is the one she was hoping for if she was going to win something.  Super.  Here we are, standing next to the paramount award winning piece by Akiko Diegel.
Christine wearing Victoria McIntosh and Fran Allison, Eloise wearing Lynsay Raine.
Shortly before meeting these two we were passed by Auckland Mayor Len Brown who stuck out his hand for a little finger wobbling action with Floppy Poppies, saying 'OOH, this is nice'. Never to let a chance like this go by, Joey asked Mayor Len to put the train service back on to Helensville. He loves trains.
Here is Richard Orjis admiring First Runner Up Emil McAvoy's lovely picture of our dear ex prime minister Helen when she was a spring chicken. It was one of my favorites of the show. Richard's fiance Harry was very taken by Floppy Poppies and got a nice surprise when he saw Joey wearing John in the conversation circle next door.  I must say, I was disappointed to find 2010 Broach of the Month wearer Philip not wearing a brooch. I suppose not everyone will catch the adornment bug.
Such a lovely old building.  Thanks Auckland Council and James Wallace for spending all that money to create such a fantastic venue!